
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – nowy update

Ostatnia duża aktualizacja (16.0.0) do Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak została…

8 czerwca 2023

Ostatnia duża aktualizacja (16.0.0) do Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak została wypuszczona w środę i wprowadza szereg nowości do gry.

W patchu dostajemy klasyczną poprawkę bugów, nowe rodzaje broni i questy.

Tak przedstawia się lista najważniejszych nowości (link do pełnej listy poniżej):

  • A new monster has been added and will appear in Gathering Hub quests.
  • New quests have been added.
  • A wider variety of monsters now appear on Anomaly Investigations.
  • New weapons, armor, layered equipment, and skills have been added.
  • New skills have been added to the pool of potential skills available during Qurious Armor Crafting.
  • „Augment: Slots+” has been added to Qurious Armor Crafting.
  • A new skill has been added to the pool of potential skills available during „Qurious Melding—Vigor”.
  • A new prize has been added to the Market’s lottery.
  • New trinkets and hanging scrolls have been added.
  • New items have been added for trade at the Anomaly Research Lab.
  • New dialogue added for major NPCs at Kamura Village and Elgado Outpost based on your progress.



Piotr Szulc

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